Our little old man from the movie "Up" |
The Little Mermaid and Old man from "Up" |
This past weekend we attended an event geared towards special needs families. A local organization out here that helps special needs families put a roller skating event on. They closed the rink just for the group and allowed anything out there. Walkers, strollers, wheelchairs, skates etc. It was so much fun. He surprised me again by not stopping. He rolled around that place like crazy! He loved it. he's come so far. Watching him do these small things are so huge. I can't believe he's only had the walker about a month!
Rolling around the rink! |
I also took him to a local children's museum expecting to fight him to use the walker there but hoping that it would help him realize how functional it could be. I really wanted to encourage him to use the walker as an extension of him. He did great! He cruised around everywhere. He had so much fun! I can't wait to bring him back!
Making a big water mess at the children's museum |
For the past four weeks Eddie's been going to a extra therapy. American International College in Springfield, MA has a PT and OT program and we got to participate in their practicals. He had three students working with him and he loved it. For months we've been working with him on two big things 1. The walker and 2. Rolling over. Today he should me by doing great with the walker. Really making it an extension of himself more than a toy and at the end of the session today he rolled over. BY HIMSELF! Not a big deal for most parents since their children usually hit this milestone around a few months and we're finally hitting it around 21..... 21!!! I was so excited! It was awesome! Soooo, today will be spent rolling and rolling until it's natural!
Some more big news is that I've been asked to serve on the Board for the Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England. I attended my first meeting Tuesday night and was so impressed by the organization. I've always been impressed by them but this really opened my eyes to what they do for this community. I couldn't be prouder to become a part of it all. I'd love it if you all checked out their website at http://sbagreaterne.org/. If your not local check them out to find a chapter local to you! http://www.spinabifidaassociation.orgThey are amazing!
I've been up and down about Eddie's increased sensation with bladder/bowel. I can't tell if it's increased or if he's just more aware as he gets older. I am hopeful that it's increased but not exactly sure. I went in search of info on the Holister Secure Start website but couldn't really find out the answers to some of my questions. It's such a great resource and I've gotten so much out of it! I'm hoping Holister begins to add more info and little videos on new topics. I'd love to continue to learn more about the neurogenic bladder stuff. It just seems so beyond my understanding sometimes.
We've also started fundraising in hopes to go to the Spina Bifida Association's National Convention in Aneheim California. We've started a Go Fund Me page http://www.gofundme.com/49lo70 and we're doing a Yankee Candle fundraiser with 40% of sales going to our cause https://www.yankeecandlefundraising.com/ycfroot/store.htm
Can't wait to see what the next few weeks bring us! Eddie's been doing so much so fast! Stay tuned!!!