Here we are at the airport headed for sunny LA! I'm so pumped! In case you haven't been following, we are headed to Anaheim,CA for the National Spina Bifida Conference. We are so excited to go. It's just Big Eddie and I and we are leaving the kids behind with some amazing famiy and friends for the whole week. This is the longest we've ever been away from them. I'm going to miss them so much! I don't know what I ever did with all those cuddles from little Eddie. We are staying at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim and all Bella wants is to make sure we bring her home something good.
On Wednesday morning I will be speaking with Holister about our experience with Secure Start. I'm excited more than anything to meet with new families. I can't wait to learn a ton! I'm looking forward to coming back armed with knowledge.
We're planning on doing Disneyland on Thursday and then heading back up to LA for Friday and Saturday. We really want to do some sightseeing there. Then to the red eye flight home on Saturday night.
I hope to update the blog as the week goes on. Don't hold me to that, we know how bad I am with updating!