So on top of celebrating 2 birthdays yesterday, (mine and Bella's) I managed to squeeze in another doctors/ultrasound appointment. Ultrasound went great he was very busy running away from the tech and luckily she got a chance to check the ventricle dilation in between him bouncing around. Again no change in the ventricle which is awesome so we're around 1.9cm which isn't perfect but I'm happy as long as their not increasing a ton! He scored an 8/8 on his BPP (bio physical profile) which is great! We even got some more adorable 3D pics of those pouty lips and cute face. After that I went to my doctor's appointment where for the first time in a few weeks I had an exam to check for dilation and all that. To our surprise and our doctors I was 80% effaced and still 2cm dilated. Then she made a joke about possibly having a baby that day.... NOT FUNNY! No more Jan 30th babies! I'm changing my birthday! In all seriousness though being 80% effaced means I may not make it to Feb 14th. Eddie says I'm crazy and I'll definitely make it but I'm not as sure. I think he's forgot I've actually done this before. If all these daily contractions don't stop there's no way I'll make it that far! So this week will consist of getting this house ready for our little guy and Eddie working as much as possible so we can put some money aside for when he's out of work (and sooner or later I'll actually buy a pack of diapers). I'll keep everyone posted more often as the next two weeks progress. Next week is our last appointment before the scheduled c-section which makes this all so real and soon! Getting excited to see our little man!
Here's a pic of Bella and her friends attacking the cake while no one was watching last night! I love it!
kristin hey how are u i miss talking to u and having u on my facebook. i dont know what happend but anyway im glad u and the baby are doing well, and excited that u are having another one, bella must be so excited to be a big sister, please keep in touch and add me as a friend on facebook, talk to u soon and take care lisa v