Monday, January 23, 2012


Appointment day was today and I'm feeling much better emotionally today then the rest of this week.  Earlier in the week I was kind of a mess. I think a combination of Eddie and I both being worn out, tired and pregnancy.  Eddie has been working a ton which wears on him and with me being on bed rest I'm feeling a bit useless around here.  He's so helpful but I hate that he's working like crazy and then coming home and having to bring laundry up and down, help with dishes and pick up the house.  I'm not the best at asking for what I need help with and I think that causes a bit of irritation between us.  Things are much better today.  I think I have figured out better communication skills and so has Eddie.  I don't think we're at a perfect point but we have to learn not to keep things to ourselves so not to bother the other person with our stress and start leaning a bit more on each other.  The next couple of months are going to get a lot more stressful and communication is going to be key to getting through it.  That along with trusting that the other is strong enough to be leaned on.  So on to the appointment...

Unfortunately Eddie had to work this morning so he couldn't come to the appointment with me.  Luckily my mom got to come with me! I'm glad that she got to come and see the baby on the ultrasound.  The tech gave us a 2D pic of the babies profile so I gave one to my mom to keep.. I mean we do have a photo album full of ultrasound pics.  We even got a 3D pic today too. Now that he's so far along we can see his face perfectly!  He looks so much like Bella it's crazy.  Also he has a little mohawk of hair on top of his head! I can't wait to see it in person! He's 5lbs 10oz at this point, 34 percentile. Tiny but no one seems worried and to be honest I was a tiny baby at 5lbs 14oz so he'll at least be bigger than I was! His ventricles seem to have shrunk. The one that was 2.2 is 1.9 this week and at this point the other one is too hard to measure. So fingers crossed that one has shrunk also.  At first I was so concerned about ventricle size but I was reading another SB mommies blog and her little guy's we're at 20mm and had to be delivered early.  This makes 1.9 look like nothing.

So we are still on for Valentine's Day which I'm totally pumped about! Only 2 more appointments before our little guy makes his way into our beautiful family! At this point I'm totally excited to see him and hold him! I can't even handle it! So my agenda for this week is to get as much rest and relax as much as possible since next week is Bella & my birthday and the week after will be full of finishing touches for baby Eddie to get here!

*****Update:  So, just found out that 1.9 means 19mm and is 1.9cm lol I guess that's not much different. Either way shrinking makes me happy! :)A normal ventricle should be between 1cm or 10mm and 1.5cm or 15mm. Anything over 1.5cm is considered hydrocephalus and may need shunts.

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